The Dental Wealth Nation Show is a dynamic and engaging show hosted by Tim McNeely, a best-selling author and elite wealth manager specializing in helping entrepreneurial dentists reduce taxes, increase impact, and achieve high-value exits. Tim’s extensive knowledge and expertise make him renowned for guiding dentists to build lasting wealth and exit their practices successfully—faster and with less effort than they ever thought possible.
Monday Feb 01, 2021
The R&D Tax Credit - It's Not What You Think It Is with Robert Curtiss
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Come learn how you can use the R&D Tax Credit to recover tax overpayments, get back the money you deserve, and increase the value of your dental practice.
You can connect with Robert Curtiss on LinkedIn - look for Robert with the green checkmark at the end of his name.
Or you can check him out at https://robertbcurtiss.businessgroupresources.com/ (Curtiss has 2 s)
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
By the end of this video, you will know how the R&D Tax Credit applies to you as a dentist and how The R&D Tax Credit can help add cash flow to your business. You will have a new way of thinking about your practice from a research and design perspective and feel excited about finding some new money in practice for things you are already doing.
You can connect with Scott Broadbent & Ben Dyches and www.drtaxcredit.com!