The Dental Wealth Nation Show is a dynamic and engaging show hosted by Tim McNeely, a best-selling author and elite wealth manager specializing in helping entrepreneurial dentists reduce taxes, increase impact, and achieve high-value exits. Tim’s extensive knowledge and expertise make him renowned for guiding dentists to build lasting wealth and exit their practices successfully—faster and with less effort than they ever thought possible.
Monday Feb 01, 2021
The Potential of Your Mind with Johanna Godinez
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
In this episode, you will learn from Johanna Godinez about Yoga Philosophy and Taking back the power of your mind. Come learn how to take control of your thought patterns, increases your ability to focus, manifest your desires, and gain even more inner peace.
You can connect with Johanna Godinez at www.beyondasanayoga.com